The “2010” Snowmobile Technical Update manual download has been developed to provide Yamaha dealers with a convenient, one-day overview of the service needs of newly released models as well as those units currently in the marketplace. The seminar is intended to help you achieve, through product knowledge, an element critical to your efforts to attain the highest level of customer satisfaction. This booklet is an important part of the seminar. It provides you with a reference source your dealership can turn to, again and again, for useful information. You’ll find important specifications, significant features and benefits, and key maintenance and repair points for new models, as well as updated technical information about the units you service every day. Thank you for your involvement in Yamaha’s quality service effort. The importance of quality service to overall customer satisfaction and your dealership’s growth and profitability cannot be over emphasized. We hope you’ll find this booklet to be a useful tool to that end.