US 1911 M16 AR15 Weapons and Firearms Manuals CD.
Everything you could possibly need to know about weapons and firearms as taught by the U.S. military.
This CD contains the complete weapons and firearms operator's manuals, marksmanship, and reference and training library It is PACKED with info.
With over Over 100 separate manuals on over 10,000 individual pages of reference material covering hundreds of different weapons and firearms training.
Filled with 100s of pictures and detailed diagrams covering specialized weapons training such as
sniper training,
grenades and
pyrotechnic signals,
machine gun operations,
rifle and pistol training,
and much more.
You get detailed weapons and firearms training manuals for the following...
40-MM Grenade Launcher, M203
90MM Recoilless Rifle, M67
AK47 US Army Operators Manual
Antipersonnel Mine M18AI and M18 (Claymore)
BATF Issued Firearms Care and Maintenance
Bradley Gunnery.
Browning Cal.30 M1918A2 WE
Browning Machine Gun Cal .50
Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 HB, M2.
Cal .30 Carbines M1,M1A1,M2 and M3.
Combat Training With Pistols and Revolvers.
Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11
Combined Armed Operations in Urban Terrain.
Counter Sniper Guide US Army Marksmanship Training Unit.
Crew-Served Machine Guns 5.56-mm and 7.62-mm Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals
How to Shoot Your M-16 AR15 in Combat
IET Soldier's Handbook
Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad
Light Anti-armor Weapons
Light Machine Gun in the Automatic Role M1,M1C, M1D Garand
M14 and M14A1 Rifle and Marksmanship
M16A1 and M16A2 Rifle Marksmanship
Machine Gun 7.62-MM, M60
MK-19, 40MM Grenade Machine Gun, Mod 3.
Mortar Gunnery
Navy Seals Sniper Training Manual
Pistols and Revolver Training
Principles of a Quick Kill TT
Rifle 5.56MM M16 and M16A1
Scouting Patrolling and Sniping
SKS Simonov Type 56
Sniper Training USAIS
Standards in Weapons Training.
Standards in Weapons Training (Special Operations Forces)
Starlight Scope, Small Handheld or Individual Weapons Mounted, Model No. 6060.
Tactical Employment of Non-lethal Weapons.
The Infantry Rifle Company
TOW Weapon Systems
US Special Ops Sniper Training and Employment
US M16A2 Rifle Manual.
US Scout Sniper
US Sniping.